1Notes From Underground&Other Stories , Dostoevsky Fyodor (2016)
Notes from Underground and Other Stories is a comprehensive collection of Dostoevsky's short fiction. Many of these stories, like his great novels, reveal his special sympathy for the solitary and… 401 руб2Notes from Underground&Other Stories , Dostoevsky Fyodor (2015)
Notes from Underground and Other Stories is a comprehensive collection of Dostoevsky`s short fiction. Many of these stories, like his great novels, reveal his special sympathy for the solitary and… 287 грн (только Украина)3Notes from Underground&Other Stories , Dostoevsky Fyodor (2015)
The anonymous narrator of Notes from Underground is a bitter, misanthropic man living alone in St. Petersburg, Russia, in the 1860s. The novel consists of the notes that the man writes, a confused… 265 руб4Notes from Underground& Other Stories , Федор Достоевский (2015)
With an Introduction and Notes by David Rampton, Department of English, University of Ottowa. Notes from Underground and Other Stories is a comprehensive collection of Dostoevsky&# 039;s short… 91 грн (только Украина)5Notes from the Underground , Dostoevsky F.M. (1998)
The apology and confession of a minor mid-19th century Russian official, Notes From Underground, is a half-desperate, half-mocking political critique and a powerful, at times absurdly comical… 746 руб6Notes on Mexico , Joel Poinsett (1825)
Полный вариант заголовка: «Notes on Mexico : Made in the autumn of 1822 : accompanied by an historical sketch of the revolution, and translations of official reports on the… руб электронная книга7Notes on Africa , George A. Robertson (1819)
Полный вариант заголовка: «Notes on Africa : particularly those parts which are situated between cape Verd and the river Congo : also a view of their capabilities for the… руб электронная книга8Notes on a Cuff and Other Stories , Bulgakov Mikhail (2014)
Written between 1920 and 1921 while Bugakov was working in a hospital in the remote Caucasian outpost of Vladikavkaz, Notes on a Cuff is a series of journalistic sketches which show the young doctor… 444 руб9Notes of a dirty old man , Чарльз Буковски (2009)
От издателя:&# 039;One day after the races, I sat down and wrote the heading NOTES OF A DIRTY OLD MAN, opened a beer, and the writing got done by itself ... Just sit by the window, lift the… 284 грн (только Украина)10Notes From the Blockade , Ginzburg Lydia (2016)
The 900-day siege of Leningrad (1941-44) was one of the turning points of the Second World War. It slowed down the German advance into Russia and became a national symbol of survival and resistance… 1307 руб