
Original name in latin Stckey
Name in other language Stockey, Stckey
State code DE
Continent/City Europe/Berlin
longitude 51.53333
latitude 10.5
altitude 232
Population 448
Date 2011-04-25

Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.

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  • Stocky — This interesting surname of English origin with variant spellings Stocky, Stockey, Stokey, Stuckey, etc., is a locational name from Stockey in Meeth, Devonshire, deriving from the old English pre 7th Century Stocc meaning stock, trunk or stump of …   Surnames reference

  • Stokey — This interesting surname of English origin with variant spellings Stocky, Stockey, Stokey, Stuckey, etc., is a locational name from Stockey in Meeth, Devonshire, deriving from the old English pre 7th Century Stocc meaning stock, trunk or stump of …   Surnames reference

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