
Original name in latin Sevastopol
Name in other language Akhiar, Akhtyar, Akujar, Akyar, Aqyar, Gorad Sevastopal', Sebastopol, Sebastopoli, Sebastopolis, Sebastopolo, Sebastpol, Sevastopol, Sevastopol', Sevastopole, Sevastopolis, Sevastopolj, Sevastopolo, Sevastopol’, Sevastopo Sewastopol, Sivastopol, Szev
State code UA
Continent/City Europe/Simferopol
longitude 44.58883
latitude 33.5224
altitude 72
Population 379200
Date 2013-03-16

Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.

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