
Original name in latin Same
Name in other language Same
State code TL
Continent/City Asia/Dili
longitude -9.00581
latitude 125.64617
altitude 492
Population 25000
Date 2013-06-30
Original name in latin Same
Name in other language Same, Ssame, Zame
State code TZ
Continent/City Africa/Dar es Salaam
longitude -4.06667
latitude 37.73333
altitude 867
Population 17455
Date 2012-01-17

Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.

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  • Same — Same …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • same — [ seım ] function word *** Same can be used in the following ways: as an adjective (after the, this, that, these, or those ): We both went to the same school. Our new competitors are those same people who once asked us to help them. as a pronoun… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • same — I adjective alike, cognate, duplicate, equal, equivalent, exactly like, identical, one and the same, parallel, similar, synonymous, twin, uniform, without difference associated concepts: same act or transaction, same as, same cause, same cause of …   Law dictionary

  • Same [2] — Same der Pflanzen (Semen, hierzu Tafel »Samenformen«, mit Text), der ausgereifte Zustand der befruchteten Samenanlage (s. d.) der Blütenpflanzen, aus dem durch die Keimung ein neues Pflanzen individuum hervorgeht. Der wichtigste Teil des Samens… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Same — Same, a. [AS. same, adv.; akin to OS. sama, samo, adv., OHG. sam, a., sama, adv., Icel. samr, a., Sw. samme, samma, Dan. samme, Goth. sama, Russ. samuii, Gr. ?, Skr. sama, Gr. ? like, L. simul at the same time, similis like, and E. some, a., some …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • SAME — and similar can mean: * Not different : see Places*Same (ancient Greece) *Same (East Timor), the capital of the Manufahi district of East Timor *Same, New Guinea *Same District, a district in the Kilimanjaro Region of TanzaniaMusic* Same , a song …   Wikipedia

  • same — perhaps abstracted from O.E. swa same the same as, but more likely from O.N. same, samr same, both from P.Gmc. *samon (Cf. O.S., O.H.G., Goth. sama, O.H.G. samant, Ger. samt together, with, Goth. samana together, Du. zamelen to collect, Ger …   Etymology dictionary

  • same — 1. Same (or the same) was once commonly used as a pronoun in literary English • (But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved Matthew 24:13 (Authorized Version, 1611) but is now largely confined to legal and business contexts: • …   Modern English usage

  • same — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (the same) exactly alike; not different or changed. 2) (this/that same) referring to a person or thing just mentioned. ► PRONOUN 1) (the same) the same thing as previously mentioned. 2) ( …   English terms dictionary

  • SAME — steht für: Same (Pflanze), der von einer Schutzhülle und dem Nährgewebe umgebene Keim (Embryo) Spermium, die Samenzelle Sami, Angehöriger der Samen (Volk) Same (Traktormarke) Same (Osttimor), die Hauptstadt des osttimorischen Distriktes Manufahi… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • same — [sām] adj. [ME < ON samr, akin to Goth sama, OHG samo, OE same < IE * som , var. of base * sem , one, together, with > Sans saṃ, Gr homōs, alike, L simul, at the same time, similis, like] 1. being the very one; identical 2. alike in kind …   English World dictionary

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