Thomas Churchyard — (c. 1520 ndash; 1604), English author, was born at Shrewsbury, the son of a farmer.LifeHe received a good education, and, having speedily dissipated at court the money with which his father provided him, he entered the household of Henry Howard,… … Wikipedia
fife — fifer, n. /fuyf/, n., v., fifed, fifing. n. 1. a high pitched transverse flute used commonly in military and marching musical groups. v.i., v.t. 2. to play on a fife. [1540 50; < G Pfeife PIPE1] * * * Council area (pop., 2001: 349,249) and… … Universalium
Fife — /fuyf/, n. 1. Also called Fifeshire /fuyf shear, sheuhr/. a historic county in E Scotland. 2. a region in E Scotland. 336,339; 504 sq. mi. (1305 sq. km). * * * Council area (pop., 2001: 349,249) and historic county, eastern Scotland. An ancient… … Universalium
Archdiocese of St Andrews — For other uses, see Archdiocese of St Andrews (disambiguation). Diocese of St Andrews Head Bishop of St Andrews Archdeacon(s) … Wikipedia