
Original name in latin Pompey
Name in other language Pompey
State code FR
Continent/City Europe/Paris
longitude 48.76653
latitude 6.12162
altitude 215
Population 5341
Date 2012-01-18

Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.

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  • POMPEY° — (Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus; 106–48 B.C.E.), Roman general and one time triumvir with julius caesar and crassus . In 64–63 B.C.E. Pompey effectively established Roman rule throughout Syria and Palestine. He ostensibly attempted to arbitrate between… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Pompey — [päm′pē, päm′pā] (L. name Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus) 106 48 B.C.; Rom. general & triumvir …   English World dictionary

  • Pompey — For other uses, see Pompey (disambiguation). Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus Roman statue of Pompey, at the Villa Arconati a Castellazzo di Bollate (Milan, Italy). It was brought there from Rome in 1627 by Galeazzo Arconati. Born September 29, 106 BC …   Wikipedia

  • Pompey — 48° 46′ 08″ N 6° 07′ 42″ E / 48.7689, 6.1283 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pompey — Der Name Pompey steht für: den Theologen Heinrich Pompeÿ den Kanton Pompey, siehe Kanton Pompey die Gemeinde Pompey im französischen Département Meurthe et Moselle die englische Bezeichnung für den römischen Feldherrn Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus den… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pompey — (Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus) (106–48 BC)    Roman leader. When the Hasmonean brothers HYRCANUS II and ARISTOBOLUS II were struggling with each other over the succession in Judea, both of them sought the support of the Roman triumvir Pompey with… …   Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament

  • Pompey — noun 1. Roman general and statesman who quarrelled with Caesar and fled to Egypt where he was murdered (106 48 BC) • Syn: ↑Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, ↑Pompey the Great • Instance Hypernyms: ↑general, ↑full general, ↑statesman, ↑solon, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pompey (disambiguation) — Pompey can refer to: * Pompey (Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, also known as Pompey the Great Pompey the Triumvir) a Roman statesman * Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo father of Pompey the Great * Gnaeus Pompeius eldest son of Pompey the Great * Sextus Pompey… …   Wikipedia

  • Pompey's Pillar — may refer to: * Pompey s Pillar, Montana, USA * Pompeys Pillar National Monument, Montana, USA * Pompey s Pillar, Alexandria, Egypt * Pompey s Pillar (South Australia), a mountain in Wilpena Pound, South Australia …   Wikipedia

  • Pompey (dog) — Pompey was the well known Pug dog of William The Silent.According to legend, during a campaign against the Spanish by Prince of Orange, William The Silent, his Pug, Pompey, thwarted an assassination attempt. One night at Hermigny, France, while… …   Wikipedia

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