
Original name in latin Penobscot
Name in other language
State code US
Continent/City America/New York
longitude 44.46452
latitude -68.71114
altitude 11
Population 1397
Date 2006-01-17

Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.

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  • Penobscot — The Penobscot (Panawahpskek) are a sovereign people indigenous to what is now Maritime Canada and the northeastern United States, particularly Maine. They were and are significant participants in the historical and present Wabanaki Confederacy,… …   Wikipedia

  • Penobscot — /peuh nob skot, skeuht/, n., pl. Penobscots, (esp. collectively) Penobscot for 2. 1. a river flowing S from N Maine into Penobscot Bay. 350 mi. (565 km) long. 2. a member of a North American Indian people of the Penobscot River valley. 3. the… …   Universalium

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  • Penobscot — I. noun (plural scot or scots) Etymology: earlier Panawamske, from Eastern Abenaki pαnáwαhpskek, a village name, literally, where the rocks widen Date: 1624 a member of an American Indian people of the Penobscot River valley and Penobscot Bay… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Penobscot — Pe•nob•scot [[t]pəˈnɒb skɒt, skət[/t]] n. pl. scots, (esp. collectively) scot 1) geg a river flowing S from central Maine into Penobscot Bay. 350 mi. (565 km) long 2) peo a) a member of an American Indian people of the Penobscot River valley b)… …   From formal English to slang

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