Penanggalan — The Penanggalan or Hantu Penanggal is a peculiar variation of the vampire myth that apparently began in the Malay Peninsula. See also the Manananggal, a similar creature of Filipino folklore. Penanggal or Penanggalan literally means detach , to… … Wikipedia
Penanggalan — Le Penanggalan (ou Hantu Penanggal) est une créature du folklore malais qui ressemble au vampire européen. Proche du Manananggal des Philippines et du Leyak d Indonésie, le terme Penanggal (ou Penanggalan) signifie « qui se détache ».… … Wikipédia en Français
Ghosts in Malay culture — are believed to be active only at night time, especially during a full moon. List of Malay Ghosts * Pontianak vampire in white dress seeking revenge. * Polong unseen ghost that can be used by a black magic practitioner to harm someone. * Toyol… … Wikipedia
Malay folklore — refers to a series of knowledge, traditions and taboos that have been passed down through many generations in oral, written and symbolic forms among the indigenous populations residing within the Maritime Southeast Asia. They include among others … Wikipedia
Malay ghost myths — There are many Malay ghost myths, remnants of old animist beliefs that have been shaped by later Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim influences in the modern states of Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. Some ghost concepts such as the female vampires… … Wikipedia