
Original name in latin Ohrid
Name in other language Akhris, OHD, Ochrid, Ochrida, Ochridas, Ochryda, Ocrida, Ohri, Ohrid, Ohrida, Okhri, Okhrid, Okhridu, ao he li de, awhryd, awkhryd, ofurido, oheulideu, ohridi, xo kh rid, Охрид, Охрїдъ
State code MK
Continent/City Europe/Skopje
longitude 41.11722
latitude 20.80194
altitude 701
Population 54908
Date 2012-11-08

Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.

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  • Ohrid — Охрид Ohër/Ohri …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ohrid —   [ ɔhrit, makedonisch], deutsch Ochrid [ ɔx ], Ochrida [ ɔx ], Stadt in der Republik Makedonien, am Ostufer des Ohridsees, 42 100 Einwohner; Nationalmuseum; Handelszentrum; Textilindustrie, Kunsthandwerk …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Ohrid — se asienta a orillas del lago del mismo nombre. A 700 metros de altitud, el lago Ohrid, una parte del cual pertenece a la vecina Albania, está rodeado de montañas. La ciudad antigua ocupa las faldas de un monte que la domina. No muy lejos y… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Ohrid — v. de la rép. de Macédoine, sur le lac d Ohrid (348 km²), à la frontière albanaise; 26 500 hab. égl. Ste Sophie, basilique byzantine des XIe et XIVe s. (fresques), St Clément (XIIIe s.) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ohrid — Òhrīd m DEFINICIJA grad na obali Ohridskog jezera (Makedonija), 42.100 stan …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Ohrid — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Ohrid (homonymie). 41° 07′ 18″ N 20° 49′ 10″ E …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ohrid — For the village in Montana Province, Bulgaria, see Ohrid, Bulgaria. Coordinates: 41°07′01″N 20°48′06″E / 41.11694°N 20.80167°E / 41.116 …   Wikipedia

  • Ohrid — Охрид Ohrid Bandera …   Wikipedia Español

  • Ohrid — /oh krid, oh kreed/; Serbo Croatian. /aw khrddid/, n. Lake, a lake between E Albania and SW Macedonia, emptying into the Drin River. ab. 20 mi. (32 km) long. * * * ▪ Macedonia  town, Macedonia, on the northeastern shore of Lake Ohrid (Ohridsko… …   Universalium

  • Ohrid —    City in southwestern Macedonia, key position on the Via Egnatia (qq.v.); archbishopric; capital of Bulgaria under Samuel of Bulgaria (qq.v.). Perhaps most importantly, it became a center for the diffusion of Byzantine culture throughout the… …   Historical dictionary of Byzantium

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