- Nea Olinthos
- Original name in latin Na linthosName in other languageState code GRContinent/City Europe/Athenslongitude 40.3latitude 23.35altitude 23Population 1155Date 2012-01-17
Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.
Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.
mosaic — mosaically, adv. /moh zay ik/, n., adj., v., mosaicked, mosaicking. n. 1. a picture or decoration made of small, usually colored pieces of inlaid stone, glass, etc. 2. the process of producing such a picture or decoration. 3. something resembling … Universalium
Mosaic — /moh zay ik/, adj. of or pertaining to Moses or the writings, laws, and principles attributed to him: Mosaic ethics. Also, Mosaical. [1655 65; < NL Mosaicus, equiv. to LL Mos(es) MOSES + aicus, on the model of Hebraicus Hebraic] * * * Surface… … Universalium