
Original name in latin Lusi
Name in other language Lusi, Lusi Xiang, Lusibu, lu ci, lu ci bu, lu ci xiang
State code CN
Continent/City Asia/Shanghai
longitude 28.89874
latitude 117.30338
altitude 47
Population 0
Date 2012-01-18

Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.

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  • Lusi — may refer to:* Lusi, Greece an ancient city of the Achaean League. * Lusi language one of the six Ngero languages. * The Sidoarjo mud flow, a mud volcano located in Java (Indonesia), nicknamed Lusi by the local population (a contraction of Lumpur …   Wikipedia

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  • Lusi, Greece — Lusi was an ancient city in Arcadia, Greece. It was a member of the Achaean League.Various legends surround the city. In one version of the story of Proetus s daughters, Melampus leads them to Lusi where they were healed of their madness in a… …   Wikipedia

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  • Lusi (langue) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir lusi. Le lusi (ou kaliai) est une des langues ngero vitiaz, parlée par 2 000 locuteurs (SIL, 1994) sur la côte nord ouest de la province de Nouvelle Bretagne occidentale. Son code ISO est khl. Elle est… …   Wikipédia en Français

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