
Original name in latin Liss
Name in other language Liss
State code GB
Continent/City Europe/London
longitude 51.04396
latitude -0.89393
altitude 63
Population 6584
Date 2011-02-16

Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.

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  • Liss — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Andrzej Liss (* 1950), polnischer Politiker Birgit Liss (* 1971), Professorin für Allgemeine Physiologie David Liss (* 1966), amerikanischer Schriftsteller Dmitri Liss (* 1960), russischer Dirigent Eran… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Liss — (l[i^]s), n. [AS. liss.] Release; remission; ease; relief. [Obs.] Of penance had a lisse. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Liss — Liss, v. t. [AS. lissan.] To free, as from care or pain; to relieve. [Obs.] Lissed of his care. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Liss — infobox UK place country = England official name= Liss latitude= 51.04290 longitude= 0.89184 civil parish = Liss population = 6081 [$File/Liss+Parish+Profile.doc]… …   Wikipedia

  • Liss — Lịss,   Johann, auch Jan Lys [lɪs], Maler, * im Land Oldenburg um 1597, ✝ Venedig um 1629/30; Einflüsse von H. Goltzius, W. Buytewech und D. Hals in Haarlem sowie flämische (J. Jordaens in Antwerpen) und italienische Caravaggisten in Rom und… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Liss — 1. Lis. 2. Herkunftsnamen zu den Ortsnamen Ober , Niederliss (Schweiz). Bekannter Namensträger: Johann Liss, deutscher Maler (16./17.Jh.) …   Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen

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  • liss — noun or lis ˈlis (plural lisses) Etymology: Irish Gaelic lios, from Middle Irish liss, less; akin to Welsh llys court : an ancient Irish fortification or storage place enclosed by a circular mound or trench or both …   Useful english dictionary

  • Liss Runners — is a social running club for anybody interested in running for fun and/or competition, and is affiliated with county and national athletics associations.Based in Liss and Petersfield, Hampshire, UK it has over 100 members coming from Liss,… …   Wikipedia

  • Liss Eriksson — (1919 2000) was a Swedish sculptor. Life The son of the sculptor Christian Eriksson (1858 1935), Liss Eriksson grew up on Maria Prästgårdsgatan on Södermalm in southern central Stockholm. Following his studies at the College of Fine Arts for Nils …   Wikipedia

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