Lapua — Bandera … Wikipedia Español
Lapua — Géographie Pays Finlande Région Ostrobotnie du Sud Altitude … Wikipédia en Français
Lapua — This article is about a municipality in Finland. There is also an ammunition brand named after the town, producer of the famous .338 Lapua. Lapua ( Lappo in Swedish) is a municipality of Finland.It is located next to the Lapua River in the… … Wikipedia
Lapua — Lapuan kaupunki Wappen Karte Basisdaten Staat … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lapua — Sp Lãpua nkt. Ap Lapua L V Suomija … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Lapua — Sp nkt. Lãpua Ap Lapua L V Suomija … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Lapua Movement — ( fi. Lapuan liike), sometimes referred to as Lapua Fascism , named after the then municipality and modern days town of Lapua, was a political movement in Finland. It started in 1929 and was initially dominated by ardent anti communist… … Wikipedia
Lapua Cathedral — Infobox religious building building name=Lapua Cathedral Lapuan tuomiokirkko Lappo domkyrka caption= location=Lapua, Finland geo=coord|62|58|01|N|23|00|18|E|region:FI LS type:landmark religious affiliation=Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland… … Wikipedia
Lapua Movement — ▪ Finnish fascist movement (1929–32), fascist movement in Finland that threatened the young state s democratic institutions and for a time dictated the policies of the government. It was named for the parish of Lapua, where a fascist group… … Universalium
Lapua-Bewegung — Die Lapua Bewegung, auch Lappobewegung, (finn.: Lapuanliike, schwed.: Lapporörelsen) war eine politische Bewegung in Finnland in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren. Sie war von rechtsradikalem Charakter und wirkte in den Jahren 1929 bis 1932. Die… … Deutsch Wikipedia