
Original name in latin Kirkwall
Name in other language Bagh na h-Eaglaise, Bgh na h-Eaglaise, Ciricewael, Ciricewl, KOI, Kerkgouol, Kerkuoll, Kerkvolas, Kerkvoll, Kirkwaa, Kirkwall, kakuuKirkwalloru, ke ke wo er, keokeuwol, qyrqwwl, Керкволл, Керкуолл
State code GB
Continent/City Europe/London
longitude 58.98479
latitude -2.95873
altitude 3
Population 8500
Date 2010-10-16

Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.

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  • Kirkwall — Koordinaten 58° 59′ N, 2° 57′ W …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kirkwall — • A parish, also a royal and parliamentary burgh and chief or county town of Orkney, in the north of Scotland Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Kirkwall     Kirkwall      …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • Kirkwall —   [ kəːkwɔːl], Hauptstadt der Orkneyinseln (Orkney Islands Area), Schottland, auf Mainland, 7 000 Einwohner; Handelshafen, Bootsbau, Whiskyherstellung; Versorgungszentrum für die Nordseeölfelder.   Stadtbild:   Ehemalige …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Kirkwall — Kirkwall, Stadt an der Nordostküste der Orkneyinsel Mainland; Kathedrale, guter Hafen mit Castell, Strohflechterei, Weberei; 3100 Ew …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Kirkwall — (spr. körkwahl), Hauptstadt der schott. Orkney Inseln, auf Mainland, (1901) 3660 E., Hafen …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Kirkwall — infobox UK place country = Scotland official name= Kirkwall scots name= Kirkwaa population = 8500 (approx.) os grid reference= HY449109 latitude=58.981 longitude= 2.960 unitary scotland= Orkney Islands lieutenancy scotland= Orkney Islands… …   Wikipedia

  • Kirkwall — 58° 58′ 52″ N 2° 57′ 36″ W / 58.981, 2.96 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kirkwall — /kerrk wawl , weuhl/, n. a town on Pomona island, NE of Scotland in the Orkney Islands: administrative center of the Orkney Islands. 4618. * * * Royal burgh and chief town (pop., 1995 est.: 7,000), Orkney Islands, Scotland. Located on Pomona… …   Universalium

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