- Keumala
- Original name in latin KeumalaName in other language KeumalaState code IDContinent/City Asia/Jakartalongitude 5.2493latitude 95.92382altitude 35Population 0Date 2013-07-08
Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.
Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.
List of Indonesian monarchies — This is a list of the several hundred monarchies, past and present, in Indonesia:A* Aceh: In the northern region of Sumatra, the Sultanate of Achin or Atjeh was founded at the end of the 15th century. A powerful Islamic state in the 16th and 17th … Wikipedia
Pidie Regency — Infobox Regency of Indonesia official name = Pidie capital = Sigli area total = 3,415 population total = 500,000 population as of = ? province = AcehPidie Regency is bordered with Malacca Strait in the north, Aceh Besar in the west, Bireuen… … Wikipedia
Kabupaten Pidie — Kabupaten de Indonesia … Wikipedia Español