
Original name in latin Hebei
Name in other language Hebei, Hebei Zhen, Ho-pei, Ho-pei-chen, Ho-pei-ts'un, Ho-pei-ts’un, Khehbehj, he bei, he bei zhen, Хэбэй
State code CN
Continent/City Asia/Shanghai
longitude 39.81521
latitude 115.93068
altitude 133
Population 0
Date 2012-09-06
Original name in latin Hebei
Name in other language Hebei, Hebei Zhen, he bei, he bei zhen
State code CN
Continent/City Asia/Harbin
longitude 47.55209
latitude 130.44889
altitude 121
Population 0
Date 2013-05-10
Original name in latin Hebei
Name in other language Hebei, Hebei Zhen, he bei, he bei zhen
State code CN
Continent/City Asia/Harbin
longitude 47.5522
latitude 130.44944
altitude 121
Population 0
Date 2013-05-10

Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.

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  • Hebei — Not to be confused with the unrelated province of Hubei or the city of Hebi. For other uses, see Hebei (disambiguation). Coordinates: 39°18′N 116°42′E /  …   Wikipedia

  • Hebei — /hue bay /, n. Pinyin. a province in NE China. 41,410,000; 81,479 sq. mi. (211,031 sq. km). Cap.: Shijiazhuang. Also, Hopeh, Hopei. Formerly, Chihli. * * * or Ho peh conventional Hopeh formerly Chihli Province (pop., 2000 est.: 67,440,000),… …   Universalium

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  • Hebei — 河北省 Héběi Shěng Abkürzung: 冀 (Pinyin: Jì) Hauptstadt Shijiazhuang Fläche   Gesamt   Anteil an der VR China Rang 13 von 33 187.700 km² …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hebei — 39°20′N 116°39′E / 39.333, 116.65 …   Wikipédia en Français

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