
Original name in latin Daba
Name in other language Daba, Daba Xiang, Ta-pa, da ba, da ba xiang
State code CN
Continent/City Asia/Shanghai
longitude 28.93333
latitude 109.8
altitude 367
Population 0
Date 2013-05-08
Original name in latin Daba
Name in other language Daba, Daba Zhen, Ta-pa, Ta-sha-pa, da ba, da ba zhen
State code CN
Continent/City Asia/Chongqing
longitude 28.01605
latitude 106.42788
altitude 933
Population 624
Date 2013-06-04
Original name in latin Daba
Name in other language Daba, Daba Zhen, Ta-pa-hsu, Ta-pa-hs da ba, da ba zhen
State code CN
Continent/City Asia/Chongqing
longitude 22.07338
latitude 111.96034
altitude 45
Population 0
Date 2012-06-06
Original name in latin Daba
Name in other language Daba, Daba Zhen, da ba, da ba zhen
State code CN
Continent/City Asia/Shanghai
longitude 24.50758
latitude 114.93541
altitude 220
Population 0
Date 2012-06-06
Original name in latin Daba
Name in other language Daba, Daba Zhen, Ta-pa-hsu, Ta-pa-hs da ba, da ba zhen
State code CN
Continent/City Asia/Shanghai
longitude 23.36421
latitude 116.18699
altitude 26
Population 0
Date 2012-06-06

Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.

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