
Original name in latin Tolga
Name in other language Tolga
State code AU
Continent/City Australia/Brisbane
longitude -17.23333
latitude 145.48333
altitude 758
Population 1772
Date 2012-01-18
Original name in latin Tolga
Name in other language Tolga, Толга
State code DZ
Continent/City Africa/Algiers
longitude 34.72224
latitude 5.37845
altitude 161
Population 68246
Date 2012-01-19
Original name in latin Tolga
Name in other language Tolga, Tolgen
State code NO
Continent/City Europe/Oslo
longitude 62.40898
latitude 10.99883
altitude 560
Population 646
Date 2010-12-07

Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.

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  • Tolga-Os — is a former municipality in Hedmark, Norway.It was the result of a merger between Tolga and Os on January 1, 1966, during a nationwide municipality merging process. The municipalities had previously been united under the name of Tolga, but Os had …   Wikipedia

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  • Tolga — can be:* A municipality in the Wilaya of Biskra in Algeria, see Tolga, Algeria. * A municipality in the county of Hedmark in Norway, see Tolga, Norway. * A town in the Tablelands in Far North Queensland, Australia, see Tolga, Queensland. * A male …   Wikipedia

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  • Tolga — Sp Tòlga Ap Tolga L P Norvegija …   Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

  • Tolga — Admin ASC 2 Code Orig. name Tolga Country and Admin Code NO.06.0436 NO …   World countries Adminstrative division ASC I-II

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  • Tolga Katas — (born June 5, 1966 in Istanbul, Turkey) began his career as a rock singer, then left the spotlight to become a behind the scenes independent record producer and promoter. Tolga produced and promoted several multi platinum artists through his… …   Wikipedia

  • Tolga Zengin —  Spielerinformationen Voller Name Tolga Zengin Geburtstag 10. Oktober 1983 Geburtsort …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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