
Original name in latin Szczecin
Name in other language Estetino, Estettin, Gorad Shchehcin, SZZ, Scecin, Scecina, Scecinas, Scetsin, Shchechin, Shchecin, Shchekin, Shchetsin, Shchtsin, Shhechin, Shhecin, Stetin, Stettin, Stettino, Stettinum, Stsetsin, Szczecin, Szczetno, Szcztno, Sztetin, shchchyn, shchet
State code PL
Continent/City Europe/Warsaw
longitude 53.42894
latitude 14.55302
altitude 25
Population 407811
Date 2012-01-18

Cities with a population over 1000 database. 2013.

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